Monday, 19 October 2009

Went to arcade at BPP just now with Hakim,his bro,Eddy and Fazly.
Wanted to make a Maximum Tune card.(Yes I have no life....YET)
Top up $10(extra $1,so now got $11) and Udin want to borrow my card.
Borrow ah,borrow.
Then left $10.
3 Maximum Tune machines cant make card.
So left 1,do ur math.(4-3=1!!!)
Like u donno like that.
So that machine is like,nectar and we are bees.
Everytime i want use somebody will take it first.
So when my turn came,use arh.
Firdaus and Khaleed come.
And they bugged me again.
To make card must use 3 coins!!Yayy!!!
Eddy and the others i came with got impatient and left first.
As you MUST play after u make a card.
If not the card won't come out.
And also,to make the card come out,must stop playing.
And to stop playing,must lose,so cannot win.
As a pro :D , I always win,so it took like soooooo long.
And then must go home alone.

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